Myopia Control:
At Eye Candy Eye Care, we are dedicated to providing the latest myopia (nearsightedness) control options available for children and adults. Start correcting and preventing myopia. Nearsightedness is a common condition among children and young adults, that makes it difficult to see objects far away. This refractive error is caused when the light that enters the eye is not focused correctly and occurs when the eyeball is abnormally elongated. Environmental and hereditary factors that increase the probability of a child being myopic are increased screen time, spending less time outdoors, and inheritance from myopic parents.
The Dangers of Myopia:
Myopia is a growing threat to ocular health that is associated with risks for vision impairment. In most cases, myopia may not be associated with health risks but in some cases, it can be severe enough to be considered a degenerative condition. Patients with high myopia are more likely to suffer with certain eye diseases such as retinal detachment, central retinal degeneration due to atrophic plaques, loss of visual acuity, glaucoma, or cataracts. Sufferers of high myopia may be asymptomatic hence why it is significantly important to schedule a comprehensive eye exam not only to ensure that the retina is not damaged but also to consult about other available treatments with your eye doctor.
Managed Care of Myopia
With digital technology and specialized Optometrists at Eye Candy Eye Care, we are happy to offer the best solution to slow down the progression of nearsightedness. Orthokeratology also known as Ortho-K are specialty designed gas permeable contact lenses that act as a “retainer” for your eyes. They are effective at temporarily reshaping the cornea while being worn during the night while sleeping. This method is safe, pain-free, and the best option in correcting nearsightedness for children and adults providing clear vision the following day without the need to wear daily contact lenses or glasses. This method can be performed on children starting at the age of seven.
Low-Dose Atropine drops is another method that can be used for myopia management starting at the age of 3 months old. With children using low-dose atropine, studies have shown a significant decrease in the progression of myopia that can prevent severe nearsightedness. Although children taking low-dose atropine drops are still required to wear their glasses, their nearsightedness slows down compared to children who are not in the treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about Orthokeratology or Low-Dose Atropine drops, you can schedule an appointment with us to speak to the doctor who will determine your candidacy, costs, risks, and benefits of the procedure.