Myopia Prevention and Treatment

Myopia is a condition of the eye wherein “the eyeball is longer than normal or when the cornea is steeper than average; causing light to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on its surface” (Bedinghaus).

Symptoms of myopia include, but aren’t limited to, blurry vision when looking at distant objects, the need to squint or partially close the eyelids to see clearly and headaches caused by eyestrain. For adults who are diagnosed with myopia, they can experience the aforementioned symptoms along with difficulty seeing while driving a vehicle, especially at night (night myopia).

Commonly referred to as “nearsightedness” and often diagnosed in children under 20, there is no cure for myopia. However, there are treatments available today that can help to slow down the progression of myopia.

 Continue reading to learn more about myopic control.

Proven Methods of Myopia Prevention

According to Bedinghaus, “Scientists and doctors promote the idea that if the progression of myopia can be cut to approximately 50%, the incidence of serious complications can be cut by a significant amount.”

Some steps your children can take, before ever having received a diagnosis, is:

  • Getting regular, comprehensive eye exams
  • Controlling chronic health conditions, such as obesity and pre-diabetes, which studes show are linked to the development of eye diseases.
  • Properly protecting the eyes from harmful UV exposure, which can further weaken the cornea and retina.
  • Encourage your kids to eat a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise to support healthy metabolic functioning.

Proven Treatments for Myopia

If children are already diagnosed with myopia, there are a number of treatments they can try. Most popular? Orthokeratology. Also known as ortho-k, this treatment works by reshaping the surface of the eye while the child sleeps, eliminating the need for glasses or lenses to be worn during the day. Ortho-k, as well as other treatments for myopia such as low dose atropine eye drops and multifocal contact lenses, should be started as early as possible. For adults only (with rare exceptions for children), there are several types of refractive surgeries that can also correct myopia.

Are you or your child experiencing symptoms of myopia? Want quality ophthalmology services at prices you can afford and at a facility you’ll love? Contact us at to book an appointment today.


Works Cited

Bedinghaus, Troy. “Myopia Control and Prevention: How to Reduce Nearsightedness.” Verywell Health, 24 July 2020, Accessed 15 June 2022.

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